Thursday, May 13, 2010

South Korea's History

South Korea wasn't always an independent country. In the year of 1948, South Korea became an independent country. The Korean War is what made these two countries. The 38th parallel divides North and South Korea.
South Korea has had many historical accomplishments. Here are 3;
1) South Korea became an independent country in 1948
2) The people rebelled and forced the government to have a new president in 1988
3) South Korea hosted the Summer Olympics in 1988

South Korea has historical accomplishments that connect to their belief system. One of these accomplishments is when South Korea made Confucianism the official religion in Korea in the Yi dynasty. Now, the constitution of South Korea has no official religion
3 significant facts on Korea are;
1) Chinese influenced control over Korean kingdoms and culture until the Yi dynasty from 1392.
2) The Korean alphabet was invented during the Yi dynasty
3) Japan invaded Korea and made it a colony from 1910

An interesting fact about South Korea is that they have the world's highest national IQ.
In the picture of the 1988 Summer Olympics, you see that the capital of South Korea is on the poster. This is because South Korea hosted the Summer Olympics during that year. This event opened it up to the world economics. South Korea has the 12th largest economy in the world.

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